Your automobile’s braking system is something that you assume will work properly every time. Like other car systems, the brakes can sustain wear and not work as efficiently, How do you know that it’s time to have the brake pads and rotors checked? If any of the following is happening, take the car to a shop now.
The brakes still work, but they do seem to take a little longer to respond. So far, the car would always stop at a traffic light or stop sign, but you find yourself applying the brakes a greater distance from both. This could mean some issue with the brake system, including the pads or rotors.
Another sign is that the brakes begin to make noises they never made before. They’re subtle right now, but loud enough for you to hear them as you approach a stop sign or traffic light. Waiting will only result in the noise getting louder, and possibly lead to not being able to stop the vehicle at a critical moment.
Perhaps you just tried to bring the car to a halt and the brakes failed. Fortunately, the emergency brake did work well enough to slow the car to a stop before anything terrible happened. Now is the time to call a tow truck, and get the car to a repair shop at once.
If you notice any changes in efficiency or some suspicious noise when you apply the brakes, don’t assume it’s no big deal. Take the car in and have a professional check the brake pads and rotors. Doing so could prevent an accident that leaves you and others injured.
For more information, please contact G Exhaust at web today.